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To-Do List : Studio Edition

Have you ever felt like you have that laundry list of things that needs to get done, but it's never at the forefront of your mind? For some reason, even the thought of writing down all the things that need to get done is either too taxing or somewhere at the bottom of the list.

Well, I've had it! Here's my list of things I need to do that include my studio/teaching life: -Sell my black wall unit

-replace wall unit with a non-ugly wall unit for TV -make/find a coffee table for studio room that isn't dangerous for kiddies -make welcome back packages that include : Welcome back letter Lesson time/date ticket for each student Payment instructions including e-transfer information. -Back to School BBQ invite all my students for Sept 13. think of games/prizes and rainy day activites -Make Posters for churches in the surrounding area. -buy a new teaching chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Recital : Now on November 14th, so exciting!!! Make Invitations using vista print online by : Sept. 13 Confirm number of students by : October 11th. (Thanksgiving) Pick songs by last week in October. Print Certificates + Prepare lootbags -Clean up my studio art and file it, make room for next years art work!

-Practice for my own RCM exam!

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